Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Overview of Joomla CMS

Joomla is an adorable content management system that empowers one to create websites and highly usable online applications. Various features such as user friendliness and easy extensibility have popularized Joomla as admirable open source software.
The early version of Joomla (Joomla 1.0.0) was released in the year 2005. This was indeed a re-branded venture of Mambo, however, fluxed with other bug and moderate-level security fixes. Joomla also has the feather to its cap as one of the most downloaded open source software in the very first year of its release. With over five thousand free and commercial plugins Joomla has become the favorite CMS among the users.

Joomla is a costless and open source content management system designed especially for web publications. It comprises a model–view–controller (MVC) Web application framework, which can be independently used as well.
Joomla is codified in PHP, storages data in a MySQL database and has characteristics such as page caching, RSS feeds, printable versions of pages, blogs, polls, searches, and international language support.

Joomla is highly helpful in creating and maintaining an integrated, pliable website/portal, add and edit out contents, alter look and feel of website, syndication of news, and the like.
Joomla utilizes the PHP scripting language and stores the data in a MySQL database. Since both configuration and publication can be done via browser, you need not be an expert in either PHP or HTML.

Creating websites has become a cake walk to designers because they simply have to combine modules to create excellently performing websites. Even people without the basic knowledge of PHP or HTML can easily construct websites using this benevolent open source software. It is easy to customize the templates as all of the modules such as RSS feeds, polls, and language internationalization are available on demand. Apart from being highly efficient in the internet, Joomla can also be used as an effective communication tool in the intranets.

It requires one-time installation and after that administrators can login and set up sections, categories and other required items such as polls etc. The WYSIWYGW feature of Joomla enables users to edit the content with ease. Although not necessary if you have some basic HTML knowledge you can take your website to heights of imaginations through your customization abilities. Best of all is the kind of help you get from the Joomla community that is ready to help out novices anytime.

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